FURI | Summer 2024, Needs Review
Wireless Communications Dataset Generation for Device-to-Device Communication
![Data icon, disabled. Four grey bars arranged like a vertical bar chart.](https://stg-furi.fsewp.asu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/FURI-Research-icons-DATA.png)
This research aims to generate a comprehensive dataset encompassing both Receiver-to-Receiver and Base Station-to-Receiver channel characteristics of a large number of users. The dataset will facilitate the development of a machine learning proof of concept algorithm aimed at predicting channel characteristics between users, eliminating the reliance of a base station for connectivity. This research aims to advance predictive modeling in wireless networks and enhance network efficiency.
Student researcher
Ruben M. Aguilera
Electrical engineering
Hometown: Buckeye, Arizona, United States
Graduation date: Fall 2024