Brian-Kalani Isaiah Headen
Biomedical engineering
Hometown: Tucson, Arizona, United States
Graduation date: Spring 2022

FURI | Spring 2022
Effect of Bimodal Sensory Integration on Reactionary Impulsivity
This research investigates the utilization of neural summation resulting from multisensory integration during action inhibition. Combining the race model inequality, which implies neural summation from bimodal stimuli, with the stop signal (SS) tasks, which infers inhibition performance, allows an investigation of psychophysics integrating to cognitive processes. At present, the experimental design is finalized and the set-up is being implemented using Arduino components. Research into best practices for the SS task has provided specific goals, specifically the statistical benefit of a dynamic stop signal delay. Once participant data is collected, it is expected that bimodal stimuli will produce improved inhibition performance.
Mentor: Justin Tanner