Mukhtar Hamzat

Electrical engineering

Hometown: Tempe, Arizona, United States

Graduation date: Spring 2021

Energy icon, disabled. An orange lightning bolt.

FURI | Summer 2020

Rapid Assessment of Geographic Information Systems(GIS) to Mini-Grids

Off-grid electrification strategies, including mini-grids, are needed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 of affordable, clean, and modern energy for all. The design of these mini-grids usually takes several months and typically focuses on the sizing of generation assets only. This research is aimed at creating a comprehensive approach to rapidly access and design mini-grids including making decisions for generation assets and placement, as well as distribution technology. The end result is a methodology that is more accurate, reduces design time, and more cost-effective.


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Additional projects from this student

Developing a process for helping microgrid designers select generation assets and their positions will help minimize cost and losses.


  • FURI
  • Spring 2020