Ryan Michael Flaherty

Engineering (mechanical systems)

Hometown: Show Low, Arizona, United States

Graduation date: Spring 2025

FURI Semiconductor Research theme icon

FURI | Summer 2024, Needs Review

3D Printed Auxetic Honeycombs: Investigation of Fatigue Behavior and Interface Characteristics in Fiber-Reinforced Metamaterials

This research characterizes the mechanical properties of a modified Inverse Hexagonal Auxetic Metamaterial (IHAM) through Finite Element Modeling (FEM) and experimental testing. The lattice structure was manufactured using Fiber Reinforced Fused Deposition Modeling (FDFRM) with polylactic acid (PLA) as the surrounding thermoplastic and carbon fiber for reinforcement. FEM was performed in ANSYS with compressive displacement loading to characterize both the elastic and hyper-elastic performance of the material. Further investigation will be conducted using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to investigate the characteristics of the interphase layer between the polylactic acid and reinforcement carbon fiber.


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