Samantha Barr

Electrical engineering

Hometown: Tempe, Arizona, United States

Graduation date: Spring 2023

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FURI | Spring 2021

Prototyping of a 5G Ad-Hoc Cellular System on Hardware Kits

This research focuses on the development of a self-correcting 5G ad-hoc cellular network that will connect both fixed and wireless users, regardless of location. A localization proof-of-concept will be prototyped without GPS. The signals are processed coming from USRPs controlled by Raspberry Pis using Machine Learning algorithms to estimate the device’s location. The system will be tested for robustness against repositioning and a dynamic environment, and corrected and optimized using machine learning, GNUradio software, MATLAB, and Python. Currently, efforts in the research project are focused on time alignment and synchronization of a SISO system, as well as packet loss reduction.


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