Yaseen Ayoub

Mechanical engineering

Hometown: Gilbert, Arizona, United States

Graduation date: Fall 2022

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FURI | Fall 2021

Optimization of Uniaxial Testing Apparatus for Micro-Scale Material Systems

Common methods of testing mechanical properties of micro-scale systems need a collection of specialized parts that are costly and difficult to set up. A new uniaxial testing apparatus that has been proposed takes advantage of less costly methods such as 3D printing of tensile fixtures and image reference markers for accurate data acquisition. With such less costly methods, resolution, accuracy, and repeatability become more prevalent issues of needed improvement. The purpose of this research is to find methods to improve the resolution, accuracy, and repeatability of this newly designed testing apparatus.


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Additional projects from this student

Improving a uniaxial testing apparatus will advance the pace at which research on micro-scale material systems is taking place.


  • FURI
  • Fall 2020