MORE | Fall 2018

Reductive Dechlorination of Trichloroethene(TCE) Sustained by Microbial Chain Elongation

Sustainability icon, disabled. A green leaf.

The objective of this research is to enrich a novel approach for bioremediation of trichloroethylene (TCE) in soil and groundwater. This approach consists of reducing TCE to non-chlorinated, non-toxic, ethene by utilizing the electron donor, hydrogen, produced from microbial chain elongating (MCE) cultures. Results thus far showed that TCE-reductively dechlorinating microorganisms can successfully use hydrogen produced from MCE to reduce TCE to ethene using a variety of substrates. Future experiments will be dedicated to the fundamental understanding of the synergy between reductive dechlorination and MCE and optimizing this approach for sustainable dechlorination at contaminated sites.

Student researcher

Portrait of Robles, Aide

Aide Robles

Civil, environmental and sustainable engineering

Hometown: Glendale, Arizona

Graduation date: Spring 2019