FURI | Spring 2021
Metabolite-based Cancer Vaccine to Modify Immunometabolism and Prevent Melanoma Growth in Aging Mice

Cancer vaccines generate robust antigen-specific anti-tumor responses by adjuvant-mediated induction of high energy-consumption state in immune cells. Unfortunately, this elevated and sustained energy immunometabolism mediated activation of immune cells is associated with toxicity and induction of autoimmune diseases. Moreover, because of immunosenescence due to aging, there is a reduced proliferation and potency of lymphocytes (T cells), increasing the susceptibility to tumorigenesis. Herein, an adjuvant-less immunometabolism modifying succinate-based microparticle (MP) therapy was developed to activate dendritic cells, and in turn the adaptive immunity, and reduce melanoma growth in aging mice.
Student researcher
Alison Sundem
Chemical engineering
Hometown: Chanhassen, Minnesota, United States
Graduation date: Spring 2023