Claire Honeycutt
Faculty, School of Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate faculty
Claire Honeycutt is an assistant professor in the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering at Arizona State University. Her primary career goal is to enhance mobility and quality of life in older adults and stroke survivors. More specifically her research focuses on the neural control of balance, reaching, and grasp with the long-term goal of developing targeted therapies and interventions that increase mobility, decrease falls, and enhance functional arm control in the elderly and stroke survivors. Her Human Mobility Laboratory merges her background in 1) neural control of movement 2) whole-body balance control, 3) aging, and 4) clinical populations to investigate the key neural mechanisms and factors contributing to falls in older adults and stroke survivors with the long term goal of developing task-specific training paradigms that decrease falls in these communities. In addition to the above project, her laboratory focuses on understanding the neural control of reaching and grasping in both healthy and neurologically impaired individuals.