Barbara Smith
Featured mentor, FURI
Associate Professor, School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
Barbara Smith joined Arizona State University’s School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering as an assistant faculty in January 2015. The Smith Laboratory focuses on developing novel photoacoustic imaging technologies and investigating multiomic biomarkers for applications in women’s health and mental illness. Recent work in her lab has led to the publication of a Featured Article in Applied Physics Letters and the submission of seven patents. Since joining ASU, Smith has been awarded the Centennial Professorship Award, Arizona Biomedical Research Consortium Early Stage Investigator Award, Women and Philanthropy Award, and a National Science Foundation ICorps Award.
Dr. Smith has been outstanding this semester by holding weekly lab meetings for both the undergraduate and graduate students. In these lab meetings, I am given feedback on deliverables that I should be working through the next week as well as learn what the graduate students have been working on. She always gets back to my emails within a day and provides me feedback on proposals. Dr. Smith is a fantastic mentor!